Call for implementation of the Cultural Exchange Component of the EU4Culture Festival in Armenia and the festival visibility actions

In September 2024, EU4Culture will organise the EU4Culture Network Festival – “City Stories, Diverse Voices” in Armenia. EU4Culture will organise festivals also in other participating EaP countries.
The festival in Armenia will last for a maximum of three days and will serve as a platform to showcase the impact of the EU4Culture project.
The festival will be hosted by the city of Ijevan and may also be extended to two other EU4Culture participating cities, Charentsavan and Sevan.
The festival will highlight achievements in Cultural Development Strategies (CDS), Cultural and Cross-innovation Projects (CCIP), and mobility schemes in Armenia.
The festival will incorporate Cultural Exchange Component, through showcasing the work of the artists (EU4Culture beneficiaries) from EaP countries other than Armenia (possibly involving also collaborative work with Armenian artist) and through organising artist talks with participation of artists from Armenia and other EaP country.

To apply for the role of Service Provider for the implementation of the Cultural Exchange Component of the EU4Culture Festival in Armenia and the visibility actions of the Festival, please read and fill in the following annexes and ToR and send all the necessary documents via the emails below.

with the subject line: ” Armenia EU4Culture Festival” by 31 July 2024, 23:59 Local time.



