EU4Culture trains trainers for impact assessment of cultural activities in Eastern Partner countries

This February, the EU-funded project EU4Culture has organised a training of trainers, an educational module about cultural indicators for local trainers from five Eastern Partner countries.  The training of trainers module aims to increase capacities of regional cities in analysing data on cultural and creative industries to assess the impact …

Anmeldungen A1,A2,B1 für die Märzprüfungen 2024

Liebe TeilnehmerInnen, die Anmeldung beginnt am 19.02.2024 um 09:00. die Anmeldung endet am 20.02.2024 um 19:00. Der Anmeldelink zur SD1 (A1) Prüfung: Der Anmeldelink zur A2 Prüfung: Der Anmeldelink zur B1 Prüfung: Rückerstattung (mit Abzug von Verwaltungskosten 25%) oder Verschiebung ist nur vor dem Anmeldeschluss möglich. Online- …

20 EU-Supported Cultural and Cross Innovation Projects Now Being Implemented in EaP Countries

30 January 2024 – An online event was organised by the EU4Culture project, gathering the representatives of the 20 Cultural and Cross-Innovation projects from the Eastern Partnership Countries. The meeting aimed to provide a platform for international networking between the projects, funded by the European Union (EU), which will be …