The Goethe Institut e.V. is an association incorporated under German private law with legal seat, headquarters and central management and control in Munich, Germany. Within the framework agreement with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Goethe Institut e.V. carries out cultural activities on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office and implements German foreign cultural policy in its hosting countries.
For its work in Armenia, the Goethe Institut is looking for legal consultancy in the following fields:
- Preparation of employment contracts according to local law
- Preparation of working conditions according to local law
- Preparation of contracts with external service providers in accordance with local law
- Registration of seconded employees
- Advice and, if necessary, support on data protection issues
- Advice on issues relating to double taxation of posted workers
- General legal advice
In addition, it may be necessary for issues to arise in the areas of law named in each case that require legal expertise.
The tender documents may only be used in the context of this invitation to tender. Any publication and forwarding to third parties (including excerpts) is not permitted without the express permission of the awarding authority.
All bidders will be notified in writing of any supplementary or corrective information relating to the invitation to tender.
form of the offer
The offer, including the attachments to be submitted, must be written in English or German and sent electronically as a PDF file to the e-mail address
Tenders submitted by e-mail are guaranteed to be opened only after the deadline for submission of tenders has expired.
The prices in the offer must be quoted in AMD as an all inclusive price per year without VAT as required by law. Orders shall be placed and payments made in AMD.
For the item General legal advice please enter price per hour.
Manufacturing, trade or business secrets must be marked accordingly in the offer documents.
Any changes and additions made by the bidder to its entries must be beyond doubt. Amendments and additions to the tender documents and the annexes to be submitted are not permitted and will lead to exclusion.
The complete tender must be submitted by 30.03.2024 by 23:59 hrs.
This deadline is a cut-off deadline. Documents received late can no longer be considered unless the bidder can prove that it is not responsible for the delay.
The contracting authority is expected to decide on the award of the contract by 05.04.2024 and inform any unsuccessful bidders. The bidders are bound to their bid until 15.04.2024.
Procedure of the tendering process
The contracting authority will examine the tenders received and evaluate them on the basis of the specified award criteria and the weighting indicated.
The contract will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender.
The decision on the award of the contract will be communicated electronically within the award period.
Upon award of the contract, the tender submitted by the bidder shall be accepted by the tendering body. The contract shall be concluded in accordance with the conditions contained in the invitation to tender. This applies irrespective of any subsequent documentary stipulation; the separate signature of the contract document by the parties is declaratory in nature.
A tender shall be deemed not to have been considered if no order has been placed by the end of the award period.
Award criteria / Determination of the most economical tender
– Price with 70% weighting
– Experience/collaboration with international institutions 15% weighting
– Personnel capacities 15% weighting
The documents sent to the client in connection with the award of the contract will not be returned and, unless otherwise agreed, will become the property of the client without entitlement to remuneration.
It should be noted that only the requested documents will be considered and that additional documents are not welcome.
No costs will be reimbursed for participation and preparation of the documents.